There is one relatively simple, but essential ingredient missing from most digital transformation
programmes. Without it they will fail, or at the very least fall far short of their goals. Leadership and
culture change are of course essentially important to success, but these in themselves can’t fulfil their
potential without this missing ingredient.
This ingredient, which is far too often missed, is Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) and
it sits at the very heart of successful digital transformation. Too many social housing providers find
themselves data rich, but insight poor. Without access to accurate, data-led insight, how do you
properly understanding your true starting point or how you are progressing? Almost all strategic
objectives are reliant on swift access to accurate information. This is particularly the case for digital
initiatives such as online services, customer management, automation and artificial intelligence. KIM
is fundamental to their success.
The business case for KIM being front and centre of digital transformation strategy is compelling. Here
are just some examples:
1. Data quality and security is now listed as the single highest priority on many HA Risk
2. Approximately 80% of governance downgrades are related to poor KIM.2
3. The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has stated that ‘data quality is the cornerstone on
which all compliance is based’.3
4. The RSH has also a stated that social housing providers require “error detection software” to
safeguard compliance and reduce risk.4
5. The Ombudsman has been damming of sector data quality and has recently stated that KIM
is the closest thing the sector has to a silver bullet.5
6. Increasing investment in business intelligence was recently given as the single highest
priority by local government leaders.6
7. Data quality is an essential component in the achievement of most published strategic
housing association objectives.7
8. Compliance with the Charter for Social Housing and NHF Code of Governance can only be
achieved with a focus on KIM.8
9. With some compliance requirements now becoming criminal, poor KIM in certain
circumstances can ruin the careers and lives of social housing executives, not to mention the
lives of tenants. This needs be avoided at all cost.9